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Team Training & Consulting

Our team training sessions are offered as in-person or online workshops, all filled with practical tools that can be immediately implemented.  Sessions are designed to focus what your team needs to perform better today... and in the long run!


Teams of all types can benefit from a clear understanding of how the brain works and how our innate brain functions affect performance.  Our training programs begin with gaining an understanding of how our conscious and subconscious brain and the amazing, yet sometimes frustrating features of the mind affect our performance and well-being.  


Trainings are focused around THREE POWER MOVES  that lead us to our ultimate superpower - SELF-AWARENESS!  These Power Moves encompass systems and practices that lead to peak performance.  High performers rank higher in self-awareness than average and below average performers.  It is the key to producing positive results and it provides a firm foundation for a successful mental performance training regimen.


Team culture, personal responsibility, team accountability, well-being, happiness and performance can all be enhanced by becoming more self-aware and then implementing tools and making adjustments in how we think, focus, respond, communicate and in what we believe, how we behave, what we control and how we make choices.


Training topics include mental rehearsal, self-talk, fear, anxiety, adversity, building routines and habits of excellence, mistake rituals, emotional control, breathing practices, confidence building, compettive choices, productive postures, mental contrasting, personal responsibility, team culture, gratitude, affirmations, reset systems and lessons in personal and team leadership.


Keeping with our promise of Mindset Training Made Simple, we offer tools that can be added as a part of your daily or weekly practices or team meetings, including specific instructions on how and when to implement each tool.  Based on your needs, programs can also included weekly personal follow up with your team members to take you and your staff out of the daily work of implementing your program. 


If you are interested in learning more about how SSB Performance can move from knowing you need to spend more time on mental preparation to a full-fledged commitment to mental training, contact us today!



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In-Person Team Training

Let's bulid a program that fits your needs!  Whether it's one visit to your campus every year, one session per month or every other week, our mental performance tools can enhance your team's confidence, composure, comfort and consistency!  include weekly work to keep things connected between visits! Contact Julie to discuss your personalized program by clicking the link below.


Virtual Team Training

Too far away from Akron to have  in-person visits?  Set a foundation with one visit or choose from programs with three, six, nine, twice a month virutal sessions or create your own to fit your program's needs.  Include weekly mental performance work to keep your team on track to individual athlete sessions or sessions featuring tools for captains, position groups or classes. Click the link below for full package pricing and contact Julie to set up something that works for you!


In-Person Workshops

Kick off the year with a Mental Performance Intensive workshop!  Schedule team sessions, individual sessions, practice observations and coach training all in one visit. Make it a one-day or multi-day visit to establish your mental game plan for the season.  Add in work througout the season, virtual visits or as stand-alone programing and have your staff trained to implement the tools throughout the year!  Contact Julie to talk about how to get the most out of your workshop!

Rugby Players

Team Training & Consulting

SSB Performance

Akron, OH, USA


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